Wolviston Primary provides a rich variety of sporting opportunities, challenging the keenest and encouraging the less confident. We believe sport is competitive, fun and a means to enhance fitness , self-esteem and life-long health.

At Wolviston we strive to equip the children with a wide-ranging set of basic skills, which can be then applied to a variety of sports.

We have established strong links with talented and skilled coaches from a variety of groups across the Tees Valley who regularly share their expertise with the children. We also have great links with Teesside Wheelchair Basketball, Wolviston Cricket Club, Durham Cricket Club and Hartlepool Football Club. We have a wide range of after school clubs happening in school; table tennis, football, multi-sports and gymnastics. We have a Sports Crew who meet regularly with Mr Wilcox. We aim to offer a wide range of extra curricular sporting activities to encourage children to try new sports.

Evidencing the Primary Sports PE and Sports Premium 2023 – 2024

Evidencing the Primary Sports PE and Sports Premium 2022 – 2023

Evidencing the Primary Sports PE and Sports Premium 2021 – 2022

Evidencing the Impact of PE and Sport Premium 2019-2020

Evidencing the Impact of PE and Sport Premium 2018- 2019

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