Wolviston Primary School is open from 8.30am to 3.10pm, Monday to Friday. This equates to the Department for Education (DfE) compulsory number of hours.

Morning Session: 8.40am to 12pm

Playtime: 10.15am – 10.30am

Lunchtime: 12pm – 1pm

Afternoon Session: 1pm – 3.10pm 

Entry to School

Our entry procedure aims to ease congestion and parking in the village. The school gate is opened at 8.30am by duty staff, often supported by Mrs Hawes the Head Teacher. Parents and carers of younger children are encouraged to escort them onto site, before leaving them to enter the school building independently, where they are welcomed by their class teacher. The school gate is locked at 8.40am. Children who miss the gate must be escorted to the main door by their parent. The reason for lateness is requested by Mrs Robinson will then accompany the child to their classroom, making sure they settle into their daily routine. Children have told us they don’t like being late for school. A late mark is received and number of minutes of lost learning are recorded. If punctuality becomes a regular occurrence, a referral to the Attendance Office will be made.

Nursery Hours:
Children who attend our morning Nursery session can arrive from 8.30am and leave at 11.40am. Those children who take advantage of our 30-hour provision have the option of attending our Breakfast Club, they stay for their lunch (bringing their own packed lunch) and enjoy the afternoon session in Early Years before attending our After School Club.
Please see our Wrap Around Care page for further details.

Collection Procedure

To ensure children are dismissed safely, all pupils assemble in class lines on the playground with their class teachers and support staff, before the school gate is opened. Once the gate is opened, parents make their way to their child’s line where safe handover takes place. Parents and children are asked to leave the site promptly so the dismissal process can be completed safely, and swiftly.

In the event of a child not being collected on time, they will be reassured and taken to join those participating in After School Club activities. The class teacher will then attempt to make contact with the child’s parent or carer to obtain reason for lateness. A member of staff stays with the child until they are collected. When a child is not collected by 3.30pm without notice, a Wrap Around Care fee will be charged.

In exceptional circumstances, where a child cannot be collected on time and needs to attend After School Club as a one off, parents are asked to contact the Head Teacher.

If parents cannot be contacted the school will follow its Child Protection Policy procedures.


If your child is unwell and is not fit for school, parents are asked to contact school as soon as possible, giving reason for absence. Parents and carers can leave a message on our answer phone. Where a child is absent from school, without reason, we will follow our First Call Response procedure. A member of staff will telephone parents, or other listed contacts, to obtain a reason for absence. For periods of absence that are longer than three days, your child’s class teacher will make arrangements for online learning tasks.

Please note: Absence for holidays taken in term time is not authorised.

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