At Wolviston the teaching of reading is a high priority as it provides the key to accessing so much of the world around us as well as the curriculum. We have a multi-faceted approach with the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics providing the foundation to this. We offer as many opportunities as possible for children to read in both formal and informal settings.

Our school reading scheme contains a wide variety of engaging texts, starting with Floppy Phonics and progressing onto our core reading scheme, Oxford Reading Tree. Initially, books that can be independently decoded, using phonic knowledge, are selected for the children to read. Once children have a firm grasp of the phonic system, they progress through the (colour banded) core reading scheme. This requires children to employ a range of reading strategies; including deduction, comprehension, and inference which they will be taught as they progress and develop as fluent, competent readers who understand what they have read.
Our scheme contains books from different genres; stories, poems, play-scripts, fiction and non-fiction. We believe that by giving children the opportunity to experience a wide range of texts they begin to make choices of preferred genre and begin their own life-long love of reading. We have many parents and grandparents who, along with teachers and teaching assistants, provide children with many opportunities to read in school and have their books changed very regularly. It is also expected that children will read at home most days, ay least three times a week. Reading records are sent home with reading books and we aim to work in partnership with parents in helping children both to learn to read and to love reading. Once children become competent readers they access ‘free- readers’ and for children who begin to fall behind with their reading we provide the intervention to help to accelerate progress.

Reception and Key Stage 1 children are regularly heard reading by their teacher or key worker, they take part in a range of adult led activities which build upon early reading skills. Children also complete different activities independently to help them further develop as readers. They develop as competent readers by accessing Floppy Phonics and Oxford Reading Tree core scheme. These books are phonetically decode-able which fully supports the reading progress. Children from Year 3 to Year 6 take home reading books from a range of genre, appropriate to their reading stage.

In addition, the class teacher leads whole class reading lessons. During these sessions, the teacher models reading a variety of books and text extracts over the year. By reading aloud the children experience a wide range of texts, which they may otherwise not be able to access independently. Quality, challenging texts are selected to ensure that children are exposed to texts with complex narratives, resistant plots, archaic vocabulary, non-linear time sequences and figurative language. Children really enjoy listening to modelled text and are encouraged to participate by reading aloud using echo reading, choral reading or reading to their partner.

Reading is a fundamental part of much of the school curriculum. Children analyse texts and some topics are based around books and stories. Children in Reception pair up with a ‘Reading Partner’ from Year 5/6 to share stories and develop their reading skills. We also hold theme days, including World Poetry and World Book Day to celebrate authors and their work.
We have a well-stocked library that has many genres of books appropriate to age. The books are attractively presented to encourage children to move from the more formal process of learning to read to reading for pleasure. Key Stage One and Foundation Stage children often have the opportunity to share books in the outdoor classroom with buddies at lunchtime.
Reading Plus is an online programme designed to improve reading comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and overall literacy. It personalises learning by assessing each pupil’s reading level and adapting content to their needs, with texts becoming more challenging as skills develop.